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The Swedish word for home is


a homeett hem
the homehemmet
the homeshemmen

Translations for home and their definitions

     1. adv. home; to one's home
           sv - Det är dags att gå hem.
     2. n. a home; one's dwelling place, as in a house or a more general geographical place; the abiding place of the affections.
     3. n. a home; an institution

     1. n. a house; a building where people live or work
           ett prydligt, med vackra portaler utsiradt hus
             a neat building decorated with beautiful portals
     2. n. (archaic) a castle; several Swedish castles carry hus in their name
     3. n. a house, a home, a household
     4. n. a house, a (royal) family
           Huset Bernadotte har regerat Sverige sedan 1818
             The house of Bernadotte has ruled Sweden since 1818
     5. n. a house, a firm, a company, an institution, a restaurant, a place, a theatre, a chamber of parliament; even when it is not a building of its own
           huset bjuder
             it's on the house
           det var fullt hus på premiären
             the opening night was sold out
           Var håller du hus?
             Where are you?
           husets talman
             speaker of the house (of representatives)
     6. n. (astrology) a house, a section of the zodiac
     7. n. a case, a cover, a box, a housing, a casing
           skruva loss huset och kolla åt vilket håll termostaten sitter
             unscrew and remove the casing to find out which way the thermostat is oriented

     1. n. a home, a place to live

     1. n-n. home (someone’s native land)

     1. adv. at home; at one’s place of residence
     2. adv. at home; in the home of one’s parents
           hälsa dem där hemma
             bring (my) greetings to those back home

     1. adv. home (as a direction), homebound
           ni kan gå hem när ni tröttnar, jag börjar gå hemåt nu
             you can go home when you get tired, I'm heading home now

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