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The Swedish word for head is


a headett huvud
the headhuvudet
the headshuvudena

Translations for head and their definitions

     1. n. (anatomy) head; a body part
     2. n. head; the topmost part of some things
     3. n. head; the end of a tool used for striking
     4. n. head; the blunt end of a fastener

     1. v. to go (by use of something else than the natural transporting functions of the human or animal body (walking, running, crawling, swimming and others), for example by a vehicle or ship of any kind, by
     2. v. to depart, to leave (intransitive)

     1. n. (colloquial) head (part of the body)
     2. n. (anatomy) cranium, skull

     1. n. crown
     2. n. krona The Swedish krona; Swedish currency unit. crown or occasionally krona, abbreviated to 'kr' or 'kr.'
     3. n. krone (Danish and Norwegian currencies)
     4. n. króna (currencies)
     5. n. heads (of a coin)
           Krona eller klave?
             Heads or tails?

     1. adj. absolute singular definite and plural form of led
     2. n. boredom
     3. v. To (gently) lead; to guide, to conduct
     4. v. To be in the lead; to be the leader of a competition
     5. v. To guide, to direct; to be in a position of leadership

     1. n. foam, head (on carbonated beverages)

     1. adv. foremost, first (in position or rank)

     1. v. to nod
     2. v. (sports) to head, to strike with the head

     1. n. point, tip, end, nib, head
     2. n. lace
     3. n. spitz (a breed of dog)

     1. n. a headmaster/headmistress; headteacher (primary school; (m, sv, grundskola))
     2. n. a headmaster/headmistress; principal (secondary school; (m, sv, gymnasieskola))
     3. n. a principal; director (institutes and colleges; (m, sv, fackhögskola))
     4. n. a rector, a headmaster, a schoolmaster; the leader of a school or other institute of education

     1. adj. comparative form of led
     2. n. a leader; ruler
     3. n. someone who leads, guides or directs somebody else
     4. n. the competitor who is in the lead in a race
     5. n. conductor; material which can conduct electricity well (less commonly: heat)
     6. n. an editorial article, short for ledarartikel

     1. n. A boss; person in charge, person who directly oversees the work being done

     1. n. head (foam on carbonated beverages)

     1. adv. first, firstly; having no predecessor
     2. adv. only
           Först vid lunch, fick han höra om olyckan.
             Only at lunch, did he learn about the accident.

     1. v. headbutt
     2. v. (of sounds): blast, ring out, resound

     1. n. top, peak
     2. n. top; head (topmost part of anything)

     1. n. a manager; boss or leader of a company
     2. n. a director (in the European Union)

     1. adj. dark, not illuminated
     2. adj. dodgy, shady; which cannot stand being made public; immoral or possibly even illegal or performing illegal actions
     3. n. head (foam on carbonated beverages)
     4. n. froth, foam

     1. n. a superintendent, a manager; chiefly for a non-corporate organization or institution

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