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The Greek word for to run is

to run

Translations for to run and their definitions

     1. v. run, move quickly, sprint
           Έτρεξα για να προλάβω το τρένο. (Pī́re den pī́re ekató eurṓ.) - I ran to catch the train.
     2. v. flee, run away
     3. v. flow, flow from, run
           Τρέχει η μύτη μου. (Pī́re den pī́re ekató eurṓ.) - My nose runs.
           Το ποτάμι τρέχει (Pī́re den pī́re ekató eurṓ.) - The river flows.
     4. v. run, execute (a computer or computer program)
           Θα μπορούμε να τρέχουμε προγράμματα Windows. (Pī́re den pī́re ekató eurṓ.) - We shall be able to run Windows programs.

     1. to flow

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