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The Chinese word for light is



Chinese Definition

     1. 名词. 光;光線;光亮U
     2. 名词. 光源;燈;燈火C
     3. 名词. 日光;日間U
     4. 名词. 火花;點火物C
     5. 名词. 窗;天窗C
     6. 名词. 眼神S1U
     7. 名词. (繪畫中的)明亮部分UC
     8. 名词. 顯露,眾所周知U
     9. 名词. (對事物的)見解,觀點S
     10. 名词. 啟發U(+on)

Translations for light and their definitions

     1. illumination
     2. to light
     3. to illuminate

     1. light; beam; ray
           燈光 - lamplight
           聚光燈 - spotlight
           一 束 光 透過 門縫 射 進來。 - A beam of light shone through the door.
     2. glory; pride
           ^臺灣 之 光 - the pride of Taiwan; someone who has brought glory to Taiwan
     3. bright
     4. time
     5. shiny; smooth
     6. scenery; sight
     7. to make bare; to be naked
           光-著着zhe 腳 走路 - to walk barefoot
           我 光-著着zhe 呢。 - I'm not decent.
     8. only
           別 光 吃 肉,吃 點 蔬菜 吧。 - Don't eat only meat. Eat some vegetables.
     9. (Particle used after verbs to show exhaustion or completion); until none is left
           賣 光 了 - completely sold out
           我 已經 用光 了 所有 的 錢。 - I've already used up all of my money.
     10. (Used in polite expressions.)
     11. to color

     1. to light

     1. light, pale in colour

     1. n. light source (source of illumination)

     1. light (of low weight)
           Antonyms: 重
     2. small; little; slight; minor; insignificant
     3. lightweight; portable; convenient to carry or manoeuvre
     4. rash; rattlebrained
     5. easy; simple; relaxed
     6. humble; meagre; inexpensive
     7. gentle; light; soft
           駕輕就熟 - a walk in the park; a piece of cake (literally, "to drive a light carriage on a familiar route")
     8. Short for 輕工業, light industry
     9. (obsolete, chemical element) (zh-alt-name, 氫, hydrogen)

     1. light, as sensed by the eye

     1. lamp; light; lantern (for illumination)
           電燈 - electric light
           熄燈 - to turn off a light
     2. lamp (for heating)
           酒精燈 - alcohol burner
     3. (HKC, neologism) to jinx; to make incorrect predictions

     1. Simplified form of 輕

     1. Simplified form of 燈

     1. adj. bright; well-lit
     2. adj. shining; shiny
     3. adj. understanding thoroughly; clear
     4. adj. loud and clear

     1. n. light; illumination; brightness; brilliance
     2. adj. bright; shining
     3. adj. (figurative, of future etc.) promising; bright
           前途 光明 - bright future
     4. adj. (figurative) open-hearted; frank; straightforward

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